A Strong Defense Against Criminal Charges
Criminal charges of any severity are nothing to overlook. The consequences of a conviction can impact job eligibility, your right to drive, and even your ability to maintain citizenship. The best way to defend yourself against criminal charges of any kind is to act fast and protect yourself with an experienced criminal defense attorney.
We are Quintana & Barajas, PLLC, Texas attorneys who have built careers defending our clients when they need us most. We offer our clients both years of experience in criminal law and compassionate guidance to avoid critical errors.
How We Defend Our Clients
It can be easy to want to give up after receiving criminal charges and simply hope for the best in your sentencing. Or, you may decide you can get by if you defend yourself in court. Without an experienced attorney to represent you and your interests, you are not likely to get the outcome you would like. Prosecutors are professionals who work for convictions every day; you need a professional, on your side, protecting your rights. We are professional, experienced defense attorneys.
We have helped clients through even the most severe criminal defense matters, including:
- DWI charges
- Assault charges
- Drug charges
- Domestic violence
- Felonies
- Gun violations
Even small convictions can have significant consequences. Anyone with an immigration issue needs to be sure their attorney understands both the criminal and immigration consequences. Our attorneys regularly work in both criminal defense and immigration needs, so we know how to make sure we are protecting you on both fronts.
Choose An Attorney To Protect You
You deserve a Texas attorney who can weigh all your options in your criminal defense and is caring enough to give you the respect you deserve, which is precisely what you will find at our Houston, San Antonio and Austin offices.
Contact us to schedule your initial consultation by calling us at 210-996-2664 or emailing us here. Now is the best time to get a start on building your defense, so be sure to reach out to us today.